Monday, August 3, 2009

Have We Lost Direction??

I get very amused at the lack of thinking and general failure of some people's brains to function. There are things which anyone in leadership should possess and if they lack that, they are not worthy of the position at any level.

The basics include (among a great many things) honest, knowledgable of what they are supposed to do and the ability to discharge the duties fully and straight. If any of these lack, the leadership is questionable.

So can we say the current president and his group have these qualities?

Sata produced a payslip of the first lady as a teacher in Eastern Province. I honestly expected a mature approach to the issue than what we got. This is coming a few days after the president said Chiluba "was a damn good president"! The whole world knows of Chiluba's dealings and what is expected and what court cases are in place. That statement clearly made me see no hope in the judgement that will result from Chiluba's cases. I have always said the worst enemies to this country are the legal people as the courts have proven how cheap they can act at times when the president is involved. Do we expect a good and fair result for the people?... NO! We are better off sending such cases to the outside world as they have morals to look at the case and make a fair judgement! What nonsense we are doing in this country!!!!

The payslip action produced the most primitive reaction that any normal country would produce. Maybe we are not a normal country after all! Why would the interest shift from the payslip to the people who leaked it? I would in my normal thinking, expect the security wings to look at what the implications of such government day-light robbery would have on the first lady and her family. She is after all, a mere citizen of this country who should have the same treatment under the law. She should be looked at and people paying her investigated and locked up. The guy who leaked the payslip should be praised and he is a hero as he is protecting the interest of the country. The president should have been apologizing to the nation over this. But is he the kind? Is he worthy the position of defending the law and protecting the interest if this country? He must be really pissed as they have reduced the amount of money he wants to be milking the country out of. Thats why, the outside world will never regard him as a leader worth talking about - unless a monkey urinates of him, as it provides public amusement, the rest, they laugh behind closed doors.

You can't expect one called a leader to have a wife stealing money from a poor country. I really don't understand what curse this country has to be given such leaders! Under normal situations, you would expect the leaders to go out of their way and protect the country, save the little money and profits made even sacrifice to make Zambia a better place. Instead, they have loans and agreements which end up selling the country for a song! I'm ashamed at what they do. Believe me, when my fellow students here ask about my country, I simply say "we are a long way to civilization" and they laugh about it while my heart hurts like hell. I want to look people in the eyes and say did you hear what MY PRESIDENT said last night. Right now, I don't even accept him as a president of my country. He is a president of 'that country called Zambia'.

We need to look at things with normality and a sense of direction. We are heading nowhere and totally stuck with MMD! Any thing that comes out is day by day getting worse. I would be surprised really if Chiluba's went anywhere apart from proving me that the president is "Damn corrupt!". What will the payslip case lead to? How many people will lose their jobs so they can come up with more ghost workers! Can you imagine some funny NGO even supported the first lady that she is a victim of the system? I would never mention that NGO as it is not worth the energy to even type its name. Probably some RB created stuff to push more envelopes under the door! Do you think if such things happened in countries with worthy leaders, the president would be sleeping? He would be at pains to explain the case. Here is why:

The president is supposed to be in charge of all governmental departments. If not directly, he has people who oversee and report to him. His wife shares the same bed with him. Meaning, they are one and the same people making decisions with a bit of family input. Thats why they are the first family. If they such, how do you expect them not to know about the payslip? Is she lying to him about it? Or is he the one leading the whole process? Those are questions which should be asked. Because if they can steal government money through payslips, what payslips come from China for them to buy hearses? What country interest come from their trips? If none comes out, why are they leading the country. If she is doing that in secrecy, what president can be entrusted with a country who can't even see the wife stealing money. Who can he protect if his own house is cheating on the country?

We not only have none-leaders in place, but we may be the only country in this time of development to be heading to Kleptocracy!

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