Monday, September 7, 2009

Why MUVI Can't Go National

I was shocked to find that MUVI TV was broadcasting on satellite! Has MMD becomes and respected free information?

MMD lives on lies and mis-information. It is shocking that even Kaunda, who alot of Zambians call a dictator would have performed much more democratic than the MMD government. Kaunda is known to have brought in democracy into the country without wasting money on useless activities like referudum. He alone could respect the wishes of the people. When MMD took over, they embarked on system destroy and rigged almost all elections that where held in the country. Thats why Chiluba to me is the worst thing that can ever happen to the country and letting him go with all that corruption is not only shocking but a crime which should be punishable and those involved locked up for good.

In rigging, the most important tools a government can use are information, and misinformation. So ZNBC, the country's number one enemy for democracy does the dirty job of misleading the country by sending wrong information across the provinces. Its news is the worst ever! It is by all means the MMD mouth piece and not the national broadcaster. SABC (South Afirca) and BTV (Botswana) have better converage of their country's affairs than ZNBC offers Zambians. WE are the most useless nation than moves backwards when the whole world is moving forward. We are a primitive country that will allow lies to be broadcast across the world and hide the truth. I'm very sure if they had a way, they world even ban satellite television as it exposes the lies they tell.

MUVI TV offers an alternative to the lies - which is the truth. Only The POST and MUVI TV seem to know what the truth looks like. So allowing them to send any signal to the country is not good for MMD. And lucky enough for The POST, Kaunda allowed its existence. What would have been the situation if MMD was in power when The POST was about to be formed. These are issues that people easily forget and think MMD brought democracy in this country - and thats wahy I really blame Kaunda for losing himself so much and side with people who are enemies of peace and democracy in this country.

They have done so much harm than one can imagine and Kaunda even proudly support them! What kind of the leader is he that can side with people leading the country to disaster?

As long as MUTI TV offers the truth and not the lies that government wants, it will not even braodcast to Kafue! They have to lie and probably offer some ministers some shares or money for them to be allowed to grow and expand in this country - the real MMD way of doing things.

Free press can not be allowed to operate in Zambia unless MMD is not ruling. No free elections can be held as long as government wants to corrupting lead this country and VJ is alive. Those are issues that make me look at my beloved country as being primitive from all that they do.

What shocks me are how people expected to be intellectuals will side with MMD as the country will have an African democracy. Shame, ever wonder why no country in the world talks about us? They can broadcast for days how monkeys urinate on presidents in this country but nothing good about it. If a country talks about Zambia positively, they have deals with government which they are benefiting from thats the bottom line.

We are primitive and can not allow the truth to be sent out across the country. Forget free press and democracy - just watch us sink into poverty and shame.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Definition of Primitivity

I have always wondered why we are looked upon as being primitive and I mistakenly thought it was something to do with our thinking. I was wrong, we are think the same regardless of where you come from.

The biggest problem with developing worlds is not the people or the ideas, its the leadership. But what shocks me the most, is the lack of impact on the same leaders by the masses. Why would you, the majority of the people fail to make leaders do what you want? The developed world have realized that it does not matter what the few want, but what the masses want is superior. In developing world this is so simple. In developing world, it has to match with the same unhelpful leaders!

So we find ourselves fighting on the constitution - not because we don't know how to make one, but because leaders still want loop-holes that they can manipulate to suit their selfish desires. Why not make things normal and the way it should be? Zambia is slowly trying to get its constitution and one that will look after the people, but this is many years after independence - or whatever you want to call it. How has MMD taken this as their own baby and the whole country should wait for what they (MMD) decide! - My one cry for Mwanawasa. He had the time to make things simple and straight forward, he left us in more mess than anyone else.

We are a country that has leaders signing - Ministers can disregard advise from legal people, But the one seeking justice for the people can be fired for disregarding advise. Maybe we should change words here and say what government wants makes all advise commands if they will serve MMD and the rest - useless talk! What type of a country is this? Do we need 7 years to come up with a fake judgement while people have gotten monies for the court case?

I think the legal institutions in this country are the worst on the planet. Lawyers in Zambia have and some are slowly becoming day light thieves! A few noble men stand in the midst of corrupt and ill-educated ones. Not a situation that would be considered good. And one that will not make Zambia a good place but a thieves den! We need to bring sanity and noble men to the legal institutions of this country. We can't expect economist like ( to do the legal justice in the country - hope he wont be sighted for contempt also. I feel for the people who are trying to make a difference to the country. They are either found with a case to answer or a crime created for them like the Post journalists. No matter what we lose, let us remain a people who understand the liberty of speech and in this case, a liberty of blogging. I can't reveal my name on a blog and probably will never be credited with my thoughts because every time I sit down to write, I must think of who will be employed to track me down, who will be given a task to find me, whose been given a bandwidth in Zambia to trace my existence. I'm luck I can rely on my service provider in this foreign country to protect me, I don't think the same applies to all my Zambian brothers in Zambia!

The world just looks on with little regard to how the simple government of this African country continues to rig elections, rig the constitution, silence journalist, keep NGOs in check and oppress the people who have different views to what they (small group of leaders) want. Then when the situation gets so bad and reach the level of Zimbabwe, they will pretend to act for the people. Where have you been all this time? The people are supposed to be protected by the world bodies be it media organization to force oppression of journalist and kangaroo court sessions on matters which are trivial and straight forward. We are not asking for military intervention, we are asking for accountability and rule of law. The basics of life - that's all!

Help us out of this primitiveness before you start pretending to care!