Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Government Vs PF and Games

Two things have been on my mind this week. And not one of them has anything to do with Christmas.
One involves our childish fights in government and of course with the opposition, the other is our stupid ideas about money. All shocking for ordinary people.

I.Mayoral elections:
II.All Africa Games Hosting.

Mayoral Elections
Please note that no matter how I hate Teta's approach, lack of wisdom and arrogance to issues I'm taking him as my a Zambia minister with respect he deserves.
No time have we had an opportunity to see an opposition take local government like PF has done. I must say, I expected them to be on silly road but have been been impressive in most of what they have done. I'm proud that at least there's an area which MMD could not control and fruits have been seen in that.

Tetamashimba postponed mayoral elections with the excuse of “lack of money” to hold these elections and issued a statutory instrument to that effect. All seem to be in order as far as MMD is concerned. But PF leader Micheal Sata said this was illegal and councils should hold elections as was expected. Ordinary people then are left to wonder as to what is happening.
Well, we have to look at the law for us to do anything about this including judging who is right and who is wrong.

I'm afraid Sata is right. The law on the issue if clear. Council first sitting has to have, as its first agenda, the election of the mayor. And a statutory instrument does not break the law nor does it amend it. It provides (for lack of better words and limited legal reading), safe guards to the law.

So if elections are held, government says they are illegal, but the law also says, if the elections are not held, whatever council does is illegal! Sata is right as our only guide in this issue is the law. Teta's actions will only bring people to be breaking the law. Now I believe he is supposed to uphold the law, not break it or contribute to its breaking. I have no problem with issues of such a nature, as I believe doing the right thing is the way out, regardless of the cost. We should at all times, do the right thing and forget about the cost involved. Its as simple as borrowing money to save your life or be with shame and die poorly because you couldn't borrow.

I'm not a lawyer, fortunately, but I'm sure there is a way to sort out this matter legally and not just the illegal method that Teta seems to love so much. Uphold the law at all costs and forget your petty differences.

I am also a bit lost on the issue of money to hold these elections. After all, they are being postponed for six months. Where will the money come from then? Has government got a source of money then which it does not have now? How is funding for this same mayoral election done? I believe there's a system which ensures there is money for such an event long before it happens. Or is our government so backwards that such things are put in ad-hoc arrangement? Let us know how this issue is budgeted for please so we know how that money is not there. I'm certainly tired of funeral excuse when it comes to money.

But the simplest logic a man on the street has is: with the postponement of the elections, will there be a council sitting? If yes, what cost will the election add to the sitting? Don't they get the same allowances regardless of what they are sitting for? Is there such a thing as election allowances? If so why can't they work out how they will pay them for that. The cost of installing the mayor is not so great. Unless of course we are not in the system and there is a way that these guys make more money out of the system.

Whatever case, I believe the election wont have such a cost that it will take six months to organise funds for the elections. After all, I believe councils should have the money ready as they know about this. Lets work and make things right all the time. No wonder we keep getting poorer and poorer as a country – no direction even on simple and straight forward things.

All Africa Games
Sad story that the simplest tournament that Zambia was supposed to host has already received a no go from government. Not that I am surprised, I expected this long time. Leaders are too greedy to allow such a tournament to spoil their slice of the money the country is generating. Why else would a country fail to raise the needed money? The benefits are so great that they will keep coming from the infrastructure that will be set and the mere pride of hosting such an event. Do these guys know how much such an event brings into the country? Do you maths right and see what we stand to benefit from this. Even world cup 2010 benefits are all coming because of hosting the games.

Immediately we pull out, we pull out of the hosting of any such tournament, we even stand to lose from 2010 world cup. Why would any country think of coming to prepare in this country which fails to host a tournament? What will they find of value?

I know the president's funeral seems like a good excuse to most people, but not me. I have an idea how companies came up to help with logistics and finances. MMD was too concerned with campaigning they were ready to do what they can to get the sympathy vote from people because of the funeral. If it was not this vote, they would have reduced their budget a lot.

Anyway, couldn't this be a better way to honor the late president? We could host them to respect him. How many business houses can contribute to footing the games' bill? How many will benefit? All these need to be put on board and work things out. It is this idea of government tryiong to do things in its own way that has been costing us a lot of money. It is high time they realize people want to move on with issue and make amends to mis-dealings and substandard work. We want to have the games so we can celebrate and feel proud as Zambians. We have been denied that chance with almost anything that government has a hand in, please not the games also! Don't make it a habit to rig people's happiness.

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