Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where We Went Wrong

Where We Went Wrong

We had 1991 peaceful, transparent, free and fair elections. We had a great leader in charge of those elections, Kenneth Kaunda! I have heard people insult the man for many things, but please let us praise him for the great many things that he did for our beloved Zambia. He alone showed us that greatness in a leader must stand the taste of time. He is the great leader we had. I know he messed some things, but he had a heart for the country. I only feel disappointed that he stood and cheered for a leader the people did not want. Whatever happened to him supporting HH like he did before. Why of all people should he support RB, one person he fired for corruption. Is it the question of putting relatives first and not the country? I believe he not only commanded enough resources and people to rig the elections, but had the humanity to let the people choose what they want. How can he now be like that? He gave people the democracy they wanted with a stroke of a pen. We still cry for a good constitution, not better, but that can not be granted up to now. Chiluba came and brought all the worst possible things that can come from a leader, and we still pay for that. He brought in rigging in this country, he brought plundering of resources, he arrested and imprisoned anyone who stood in his way. But the worst thing he ever brought to this nation are the people around him who up to now are still working as part of government. The great dream of a great nation in Africa died with him in control.

Mwanawasa tried his best, but could not run away from the people Chiluba put in place. Actually Mwanawasa was never wanted by people in urban areas. It is said, they used the rural areas to rig that election. We mourned his death with great interest and respect for him, but we must put down things he did which make it impossible for us to move on as a country. He kept constitution assembly from us and gave us “his” version of what we wanted through NCC. That was his wish and not the people's wish. It is totally his own thing and not what we want. He also killed the young democracy that we had. He alone got MPs from other parties and made it impossible for opposition to rule. He killed any hope of a united opposition to counter check the government activities. My greatest complaint with him was hes fighting corruption but, at the same time promoting nepotism. Government was full of his relatives and in-laws. How can a leader have such double standards?

So where we went wrong? Simple. We messed up when we had a good leader under Kaunda. We were more interested in getting rid of him and not create a situation which will ensure we have a good leader to follow. We were supposed to create a way that we guard against thieves, plunderers and all that are enemies of good leadership. We are paying for that right now. We can't even hold elections that Kaunda gave us in 1991. We are going back in time and bringing back what we fought for. Even independent media organizations are facing closure because of MMD. How sad that we have come a long way, but actually moved only a step forward. We are doomed before we even start moving. I wonder whatever cursed my beloved country to reach such levels of problems, to have such levels of so called leaders, such disaster in elections.

We need to mend our leakages. The only one I think is critical is the constitution and one made by the people and not MMD. We know how much we should not trust MMD. MMD was a pillar in the region, but is the worst curse to SADC region, only second to Mugabe's group.

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