Saturday, August 29, 2009
Praise Thieves and Proscute Heros?
RB should not think he can be there forever! I personally want to see him take on not only his mis-deeds one day but the evils of the people he has protected. He should pay and his family involved in all these should also pay. At the moment I really think hes doing a good job at making us angry. He has started a good way to be hit and pinned down with crimes that others he protected have gotten away with.
Should the people depend on lawyers with noble intentions for withdrawn cases for a chance of justice? Why not change that silly ministry from Justice to 'Courts Control'? I think it would make us see the true picture and their intentions well in advance. We don't need blanket names to hide what the whole world knows about the evils being carried on.
Zambian government is truthfully a joke and one that makes people pay for the evils of their leaders. Now my complain has always been. Things start very slowly heazding for the worst and the so called donors do not call for accountability of the monies that such governments borrow. Why should they continue giving debt to countries which can't even run a good legal system to punish those that have stolen money from the people? They, if at all their intentions are genuine, call for complete audit of all they give and they should make sure the money is used for intended purposes. They not only owe it to their tax-payers, but they also owe it to the Zambians who have to pay back the monies borrowed. It is only fair and a normal duty for them to make it a point that they follow the process from the time the money is borrowed to the end. If this does not go inline with issues of independent decisions for the local governments, why lend them the money then? Let the local government create means that will bring them the money, use the local resources and local experts in achieving desired goals for the country. It does not pay to borrow money and waste it and make tax-payers repay it.
I'm a strong believe of 'No Borrowing If You Can't Pay'! There has to be system that will ensure the borrowed funds have a system that will push for the repay from the projects being conducted or a predetermined way of repayment. There is no need for Zambia to borrow if K27 billion will be wasted on luxury for people like Kapoko. Why did we waste so much? We should have used the money we had in bringing decent hospitals and services for the people. K27 billion? I honestly would not give aid to a country which wastes money like that. So the issue is not only an embarrassment to the country but a shame that such things can happen to a developing country.
Now imagine that that issue had people involved who will be left and probably praised by our government if the leaders are involved. It is the same with the Chiluba issue. So much money was wasted in the case and alot more in the process of investigation. At the end, RB smiles and says I'm happy Zambians have accepted the outcome and Chiluba wants his money back! Accepted? What do you mean we have accepted. If it was a complete and fair process, we would accept with no questions asked. But for you to say 'accept' means you had issues with it and wanted us to take it the way it is.
We are in a bad state right now. I know the people to blame are all these leaders who aim at ripping the Zambians off all that they own. It is time we set out a system that will serve the interests of the people not the greedy leaders. I want to wake up one day and see a leader who will do what I want - develop Zambia in all sectors. If that leader will also make it impossible for previous leaders to enjoy the stolen wealth, makes me even better!
I have been thinking we need to get rid of this democracy and bring in a harsh system. Harsh on people who steal and do not work for the rewards. I think right now, I would trade all the peace and the so called democracy if the Libya and China system will achieve the greater good, if it works on punishing leaders who betray their country. I would only trade those systems if we have leaders and a system like the USA democracy where people are accountable and punished when their steal! Right now, Zambia gives me no hope and no future, which is worth getting rid of in place for a system that will make people accountable.
Should we always look to International courts to resolve simple issues? What is a legal system if it does not look after the people? What can we get out of this country when thieves are honored and heros who expose the bad deeds of a system are even thought of being distributors of obscene material? Thieves can appeal but the people cannot? And you wonder why I never respect any lawyer or judge int this country. They have never worked for the people - ever! They work for their masters. Thats why we don't even have a supreme legal document worth talking about. We have people who will work on it whenever they feel like.
RB is the worst thing that can ever happen to Zambia, and we are still in a nightmare over the issue. Impeaching the man is the least we can do. We must make sure when he leaves office, the law follows him in all corners of this planet and beyond. Among the living and beyond! He has to face up to what he has done - totally.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Zambians - masters of nothing?
There are those who are full patrots of the land and who have interest of the country at heart in all they talk about. Then there are those who pretend to know it all and in most cases seem to be in charge of things.
What strikes me as being interesting is the level of thinking when it comes to things that involve National interest. The people who pretend to know it all (and shamelessly some have no idea they don't know anything at all) are the loudest. They scream who will destroy the country and why it wont make sense to vote this guy etc. They seem to know what bad the one person has done amongest all the people that are standing. When we uncover the ills that come with those people later, they shamelessly give excuses. I remember how these people 'sainted' Levy at one time. He was almost a heavenly creature around us. Now that the ills have come out, they have swam so fast from the shore they are in Isreal with Chiluba! We seriously have a problem!
At first I thought it was job-seeking or protecting the wealthy they have misteriously acquired. I realise now it could be all that and alot more. They have hidden agendas that they promote while they sink the country deeper and deeper into poverty.
Now the other group knows of this and have taken up a man they think will sort the culprits out and lock whoever has done harm to the country. Their main aim is not to make the leader a superior being but use him to control the mis-management that has come to the country.
What is so shocking is that even some would be good contributers to the search of good leaders have turned out to be chaps with no option but a mere political mouth piece of the oppressers and yet they have posh houses and jobs in South Africa! What nonsense, who are you to talk about what leader is best for Zambia when you have run-away from the troubles and settled outside. Pretenders and savior of the country? Get your head checked.
Lets call a spade a spade and not a straight spoon. If you are mature and have things to offer, you just tell us what you think and not go on comapigning for these thieves that have been ruling us. I wonder what moral right one has to claim they know anything when they live very far! Ever wonder why you disagree with people who are on the ground? Ever wonder why MMD loses amongest the student and intellectuals and you think MMD is supported by educated people! Do you think Lusaka and Copperbelt have less educated people as Western and North-Western? Believe me, if you have not been in Lusaka and seen the nonsense and how the country is slowly being sold, please don't open your mouth. I wouldn't be so happy to think of settling in a foreign land had I seen a future in this country.
Zambia is fast dying. MMD has over taken the pace of natural death and cruised the country to its knees. Maybe that hammering by Ghana in London was supposed to show you how things run here with that Kalusha Bwalya chap in charge. Now imagine that RB is 10 times more destructive. He has already by-passed all terrible presidents we have had. He is the best - worst! No wonder we want the idea of 'Father of the nation' dropped as it pollutes people into thinking they have anything to offer the country.
Any silly idea loaded Zambian thinking he can tell us how it should by telling us who we should not vote for is not only a fool but a total fool.
Tell us which country takes on a leader because the one he succeded had a vision? They look at what a person has done. What they have achieved in leadership positions. But most of us outside Zambians want to judge by what they want to see lead. No wonder we are backward and stupid. We are supposed to be learning what other countries do. But silly enough, we are the worst example and advisor to the people. We want to look at faces and say these one doesn't look like a president - yet we complain when these natives calls us names because of our colour. We really to get our act together and help Zambia pick a leader who has done provable works in the political scene - thats a basis of voting for a good leader!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Zambia Has No Future
Maybe I should be told by someone who thinks of how we have that future and what we can do to get back in line and move forward. Right now, I have reasons that make me know day by day, that we have no future.
- We must be in a position to define what we have and the path we will take to get what we don't have. Simply stated, if he wish to develop economically, we need to understand what economically viable strategies that we have to reach that development and clearly show what we will do in order to get what we don't have to reach our goals. We have nothing worth talking about. I would be the most hidden minister in MMD government as with my pride to be in midst of people talking about what they are doing about their country when we have done nothing. And any effort to attain some of these things, we really met by the likes of VJ inelections. So doom is the word!
- We must be led by people of substance and who can drive us in a developmental direction. Well, unless we dropped the meaning of substance, we can try to rig our leaders through. But as it stands, they know very little about the difference between a rock and water. So that direction can't be reached either.
- We must have institutions that will move in the direction that people want to move in collectively. These institutions will provide the base for any activity in the country and ensure the good is what we get out of them. We have mirrors of such institutions. They claim to exist but they do the opposite of what we want. Like they are watching in a mirror, or they have no idea why they exist! These institutions are so vital that even if the two above are not there, the system will move and will reach the goals just maybe abit slower than normal. The police, judiciary and parliament are so useless, they would pass a motion on anything which will see them get mid-term gratuate and not see justice done in a country. So again this is a no-go area.
- Finally, we must have organisations to alert us of any wrong doing in government for us to know what we should do and then take corrective measures. We only have the Post, which we the people even help government in insulting when they uncover something. They try yes, but things could have been better if we the people stood up and stopped any form of silencing from government. We need to protect the only system which seem to be alive in the country - but then again, for how long?
All in all, I see doom in all things that would help in bringing in goodness in any country. Corruption starts in the first house. Injustice is led by the first family. Silencing starts with the ruling government. Should we wait until we go to civil-war to wake. Zambians we are damn dead in all we do. We are only good at drinking and talking after that. What type of a country will watch what nonsense is brought about by a government before we react? Can a president really thank people for accepting corruption verdict and we just smile about it? What sort of brains do we have that wont fight for justice at all levels? Martin Luther once said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" - I guess he never knew of a dull country like Zambia which would smile about injustice and go on with daily business. How did we even chase the British from this land. Maybe they just left after seeing the dullness we displayed. We have been the most peaceful and yet the most fooled of all people in this world. We couldn't even protest after such total robbery of National resources. I would not have talked had we the resources that we could recover from. But we lost resources that would have built this country and provided good roads and hospitals. But all that went into some short man's shoes. The judge even thought he was a 'man' by acquitting him. He does not that in some countries such acts are only associated it monkeys and uncivilised characters not worth being in a court room.
Yet in Zambia, such men are praised for being fair! To who? Who have they been fair to. Can you imagine some Union leader even said Chiluba has been tortured long enough since the trial started? You are a fool to forget Chiluba locked up Kaunda for no reason. Kaunda too now deserved it after supporting RB in this nonsense. Maybe if they burnt his beard, he would have had the time to tell Zambians that this man is leading us to the gravel. But maybe the big man is cheap too these days.
But obviously the truth is, we are doomed and have no future. Go to europe and have a life or sink with this African country
RB leading the Ranking
How shocking can it really be? I wonder what would be left of a country if he ruled for 10years!
Sounds like a joke but honestly what good has come out of RB's rule? We have never had such rubbish in politics. And he seem to be the talk of the day! I for one take that monkey's urine to mean more than him passing bodily waters. Its an omen that has befallen Zambia to be ruled by such a man. No one single sentence would describe the utter nonsense surrounding his rule. He even robbed Zambians of justice that would have come to people who steal public resources. He loudly and shameless, proudly shouted "steal all you can, I will protect you!". If I has a voice, I would say, Impeach him, Remove his immunity and hang him!
He should and will shoulder the justice he robbed Zambians from Chiluba's rule. And then he will face his own gun barrel for the injustices and mis-did that he has done. Unless God only looks after him and not the millions of us!
I hate to think all these years where a mere academic exercise for Chiluba to go out and dance like an angel. What foolishness. Can MMD explain what they have done to fight corruption. I hope Mwanawasa does not rest so he can see what he left us with. He should have protected our interests starting with NCC and what he chose for Veep. He of all people had a hand in selecting what was left for us to feed on.
This is a pure case of Africa under developing Africa. And we are shamefully a true example of what greed and power can lead people in living above the law. I think we need to be rented out like Hong Kong was. I'm sure the British rule was better than this nonsense we have. I believe the level of leadership we have is simply worth being street beggers in other countries. I never thought what Mwanawasa started can die in one single strike of a pen like this. Should we move to British courts in order to get justice? Why not bring them British to colonise us all over again. At least we can dream of ruling ourselves and since they will be dreams, they can be beautiful not that ugly face people hang in business just to show how backwards we are!
We has led all time greatest-worst-president list. The man monkey got urinated on by a monkey to show what they and I think of him. I am very bitter about this. And I believe I should take some time out to breathe and then blog.
I will never sing the National Athem again as it lies by telling me I am "proud and free" and "free men we stand under the flag". I just want to burn the damn flag and if only I could be allowed to burn the passport but still board those planes!
I really need a drink to calm myself down ...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Judiciary is Our Greatest Disappointment
I don't remember any one time that I have stood up and gave a thumbs-up to judicial process. NEVER! Every time I look to the system, I'm greeted with greatest disappointment. How can a system so respected be so cheap? How can a system which in some countries is the best system they have be the worst in my country? I mean I think it is only in Zambia that lawyers can steal and be proud of! Only in Zambia can a judge be so cheap that he can solely damage the fibres of a nation? How can a system meant to be protecting the people, be the one that kills them? How long can we depend on international legal systems to resolve our problems. Legal system in Zambia is cheap and they are the worst one should depend on.
Seriously, how do you have a system that even a young, 4 year old would make better decisions that someone with an artificial wig fail to see. Maybe thats why they wear artificial wigs, they just imagine they can think with an imaginary brain! It really hurts me to see how the country is slowly being eroded and the chaps who have power to stop it, are the full paid-by (not paid-up) members of the destruction? Utter shame.
Other countries are planning on going to find places of stay in the universe and in the outer space, we are trying to make judges think... THINK? I laugh when I look at judges and lawyers, Zambia's greatest enemies. No one single group of people (even suppass politicians) in being masters of destruction.
Think about this. No one time has the politicians got the more power than the judicial system. It took one legal man (MHSRIP) to try and make it possible for the legal system to come to the aid of the people. It took another, to throw all their hope and future in total uncertainity and in so doing, gave power to thieves, law breakers and conmen the best life of their dreams - being above the law.
Am I being unreasonable? Why would one court find a person guilty of receiving stollen goods but, the thief be set free? What will happen to the appeal case of the receiver? Regina will walk just like Chiluba walked free.
And what we expect? Simple, Chiluba will be flying high and probably be in MMD's driving seat, with VJ to make sure all their crimes are in good 'protecting hands'. And the message being sent to the people... 'Steal good and we will make sure you are free, if you are in good books with the ruling group!' Remember Chiluba danced at the swearing in ceremony of RB, few of us knew why. We even condemned KK for being so politically cheap as to be associated with such a man.
I wonder why I never threw away all consipiracy theories about Mwanawasa's death. There is no smoke without fire. I wish we were politically free for me to speak about them. But I think my life is better morning in secrecy. But I prayed that the lord our God will give these people what they deserve ... in the greatest possible pain they can suffer!
Many times, alot of bloodshed is as a result of people being fed-up with the system. Zambia has given the people the worst possible result. The system has failed them because of the simple people who have power to turn things in the worst possible way. Images of Chiluba smiling as he enjoyed tax-payers money are always fresh in my mind. Hes declaring he was a political dribbler and him celebrating when some judge acquitted him. None of them are worth talking about in modern society but are a harsh reality in Zambia. I think even primitive Egypt had better lawyers than what we have. No need for them. I even hate the idea of Law-School in my mind - not with Zambia's primitive types. I think call boys with do better in the legal system than the current lot. Call boys just hit thieves and if they have enough minutes, they kill them. Our judicial system gives them reasons to Dance, what a difference.
We seriously need to clean out the Judicial system as even with a new constitution, nothing of good will come out when these chaps run the court rooms. We are damn primitve to run a civilised society - I am ashamed to regard myself as a Zambia. I feel for The Post that is trying tooth and nail to bring goodness to our country. I even declare I will never look at MMD with respect. I hope and pray I will live and die in this foriegn country that I will soon make mine and hope they bury me here!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mwanawasa Legacy dies too...
To fight any form of wrong doing by people who held positions of influence and control, you need a leader who will aim at doing such. If however, a leader is himself a wrong doer, he will make sure things work out the wrong way so he can get his way when time comes.
"Chiluba was a damn good president" coming from a president who will follow up the legacy of the man who made sure the cases came into the open and court cases start. I know some of you think the law did jusitice, but I have been known to say our biggest betrayers are the legal people. They should ensure they hold positions for the benefit of the country and its citizens. They should ensure the people ruling are accountable to the masses. But they have such taste for power and are damn cheap they can make such silly judgements and think I would respect them? Damn no!!! How do you respect someone who claims to be doing fair and justice judgements when they come up with rullings that in themselves don't make sense. Is that what lawyers are supposed to be, people with no sense?
Regina was convicted of receiving stolen goods. But the person who gave her those things was has been found not to have stolen? I think we should move all legal matters to the British courts. They seem to have the interest of the people at heart. Zambian legal system is total nonsense and a total waste of time. I would go to sue to monkeys than these silly courts.
Regina will be the nest person to be freed. I really hope some day, some crazy guy will sort them out. I now understand why people beat and kill thieves before they take them to the courts. We need a system that will correct this in all manner.
First, get rid of these silly judgers and lawyers that this country has. We have no use for them. No one person has ever got a fair trial and justice in this country. I thinkl even Somalia has better courts than what we have. Damn nonsense!!!
Secondly, someone please ensure that guy in high position gets what he deserves one day. No matter how has it is.
Thank you,
and by the way.... forget all that Mwanawasa did... Long gone